Data Platform Buyers Guide

2024 Ventana Research Data Platforms Buyers Guide

Download the full report to get an impartial view of the data platform technology landscape and adoption best practices from a trusted source.

Actian 2024 Ventana-Analytic Data Platforms Ranked Exemplary

Actian Named Overall Exemplary

Dedicated to supporting the end-to-end operational and analytic needs of enterprise data teams, Actian Data Platform received the overall highest recognition possible in independent analyst research firm Ventana Research’s assessment of the data platform software landscape.

The 2024 Data Platforms Buyers Guide is a neutral, third party report that evaluates 25 data platform software providers to assess how well vendors’ offerings meet buyers’ requirements.

The report offers:

  • An overview of the changing data platforms landscape, competing technology providers, and how well they are performing against Ventana’s market view.
  • Key considerations and evaluation criteria to help you make the right data platforms software decision for your organization.
  • A 7-criterion evaluation, complete with analysis and scoring to compare a technology provider’s strengths and capabilities with your specific needs.

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