Actian Data Platform

Try our free trial for 30 days

See how simplifying your data can transform your business.

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    End-to-end integration, data warehouse, and analytics

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    Unmatched price-performance

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    Set up in minutes. No credit card required!

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    Trusted by 10k+ businesses

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    Recommended by Ventana Research and Forrester

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Recommended by Analysts

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Actian Data Platform named Exemplary in Ventana’s 2024 Data Platforms Buyers Guide.

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Actian Data Platform named Contender in The Forrester Wave™ Cloud Data Warehouses 2023.

McKnight Consulting Group logo


Actian Data Platform outperforms major competitors in 2024 TPC-H benchmark.

Everything you need and nothing you don't

Connect, Manage, Analyze. The Actian Data Platform is a fully integrated suite of data solutions—for everyone. Eliminate the need for multiple tools or manual code, and go from data silos to continuous insights.

Actian Data Platform offers easy integration with quality

Save engineering time and resources

Data Engineers can automate data pipelines with 200+ pre-built connectors and APIs. Plus rapidly identify and act on data quality and transformation issues.

Actian Data Platform warehouse usage

Centralize siloed data, even on-prem

Database and Warehouse Admins can create a high-performance data warehouse optimized for storage and compute with a built-in query engine backed by the TPC-H benchmark.

Actian Data Platform application analytics

Accelerate reporting, analytics, BI

Data Analysts can perform analytics on the freshest data with native visualizations and easy, in-app connections to leading BI tools.

Learn More

12x faster than BigQuery and 8x less expensive than Snowflake

12 x


and 8x less costly than BigQuery.

8 x

Less costly

and 7x faster than Snowflake.


Fortune 100 companies

in the US trust Actian.

Free Trial FAQ’s

The Actian Data Platform is a fully managed service that ensures the highest levels of security including private network isolation, disk and columnar encryption, robust access controls, and 24×7 monitoring. More information on our security policies can be found here.

The Actian Data Platform makes data easy! We want to change the way you can connect, manage, and analyze your data. By providing a unified platform that is trusted, flexible, and easy to use you can move from data to decision faster. Learn more by visiting the Actian Data Platform webpage.

Sign up by filling out the form. No credit card is required.

Here are a few pro tips to help you get the most out of your Actian Data Platform trial.

Tip 1: To maximize your time testing Actian, we recommend that you use the smallest warehouse size necessary. The lower the warehouse size (2AU vs. 4AU), the fewer AU’s will be consumed will help you make the most of your $500 credits.

Tip 2: If you loaded data into the warehouse, stop the warehouse to conserve your compute costs. The Actian platform will automatically stop after 60 minutes of inactivity.

Once your free trial ends, please contact Actian to convert your account to a paid subscription. You can easily reach us using our contact form: