Actian Life

Walt Maguire to Lead Actian Pre-Sales Engineering

Actian Corporation

October 26, 2017

Walt Maguire to Lead Actian Pre-Sales Engineering

Walt Maguire has been a voracious consumer of science fiction novels from an early age, and now he loves getting hands-on experience with the technology of the future. He started his technology career taking apart clock radios to explore how they worked and disassembling the family washing machine. Needless to say, his parents had mixed feelings about his curiosity, which turned to happiness once computers came along. Walt got to play with bits in a CPU, and mom & dad got to keep their washer functional. In the years since then, Walt has spent his career doing nearly everything that can be done with data.

Today he leads the global pre-sales team for Actian and plans to adopt a very hands-on approach to demonstrating Actian performance and features to show how they can solve data challenges in today’s business environment. In his spare time, he channels his creative needs turning trees into furniture, and loves to travel. Please welcome Walt to Actian!

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About Actian Corporation

Actian makes data easy. We deliver cloud, hybrid, and on-premises data solutions that simplify how people connect, manage, and analyze data. We transform business by enabling customers to make confident, data-driven decisions that accelerate their organization’s growth. Our data platform integrates seamlessly, performs reliably, and delivers at industry-leading speeds.