
A Day in the Life of an Application Owner

Nick Johnson

August 15, 2024

blue technology arrows and lines depicting life as an application owner

The role of an application owner is often misunderstood within businesses. This confusion arises because, depending on the company’s size, an application owner could be the CIO or CTO at a smaller startup, or a product management lead at a larger technology company. Despite the variation in titles, the core responsibilities remain the same: managing an entire application from top to bottom, ensuring it meets the business’s needs (whether it’s an internal or customer-facing application), and doing so cost-effectively.

Being an application owner is a dynamic and multifaceted role that requires a blend of technical expertise, strategic thinking, and excellent communication skills. Here’s a glimpse into a typical day in the life of an application owner.

Morning: Planning and Prioritizing

6:30 AM – 7:30 AM: Start the Day Right 

The day begins early with a cup of coffee and a quick review of emails and messages. This is the time to catch up on any overnight developments, urgent issues, or updates from global teams.

7:30 AM – 8:30 AM: Daily Stand-Up Meeting 

The first official task is the daily stand-up meeting with the development team. This meeting is crucial for understanding the current status of ongoing projects, identifying any roadblocks, and setting priorities for the day. It’s also an opportunity to align the team’s efforts with the overall business goals and discuss any new application needs.

Mid-Morning: Deep Dive into Projects

8:30 AM – 10:00 AM: Project Reviews and Code Reviews 

After the stand-up, it’s time to dive into project reviews. This involves going through the latest code commits, reviewing progress on key features, and ensuring that everything is on track, and if it’s not, create a strategy to address the issues. Code reviews are essential to maintain the quality and integrity of the application.

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: Stakeholder Meetings 

Next up are meetings with stakeholders. These could be product managers, business analysts, or even end-users. The goal is to gather feedback, discuss new requirements, and ensure that the application is meeting the needs of the business.

Late Morning: Problem Solving and Innovation

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Troubleshooting and Bug Fixes 

No day is complete without some troubleshooting. This hour is dedicated to addressing any critical issues or bugs that have been reported. It’s a time for quick thinking and problem-solving to ensure minimal disruption to users.

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: Lunch Break and Networking 

Lunch is not just a break but also an opportunity to network with colleagues, discuss ideas, and sometimes even brainstorm solutions to ongoing challenges. 

Afternoon: Strategic Planning and Development

1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: Strategic Planning 

The afternoon kicks off with strategic planning sessions. These involve working on the application’s roadmap, planning future releases, incorporating customer input, and aligning with the company’s long-term vision. It’s a time to think big and set the direction for the future.

2:30 PM – 4:00 PM: Development Time 

This is the time to get hands-on with development. Whether it’s coding new features, optimizing existing ones, or experimenting with new technologies, this block is dedicated to building and improving the application.

Late Afternoon: Collaboration and Wrap-Up

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Cross-Functional Team Standup 

Collaboration is key to the success of any application. This hour is spent working with cross-functional teams such as sales, UX/UI designers, and marketing to analyze and improve the product onboarding experience. The goal is to ensure that everyone is aligned and working toward the same objectives.

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: End-of-Day Review and Planning for Tomorrow 

The day wraps up with a review of what was accomplished and planning for the next day. This involves updating task boards, setting priorities, and making sure that everything is in place for a smooth start the next morning.

Evening: Continuous Learning and Relaxation

6:00 PM Onwards: Continuous Learning and Personal Time 

After a productive day, it’s important to unwind and relax. However, the learning never stops. Many application owners spend their evenings reading up on the latest industry trends, taking online courses, or experimenting with new tools and technologies.

Being an application owner is a challenging yet rewarding role. It requires a balance of technical skills, strategic thinking, and effective communication. Every day brings new challenges, opportunities, and rewards, making it an exciting career for those who love to innovate and drive change.

If you need help managing your applications, Actian Application Services can help. 

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About Nick Johnson

Nick Johnson is the Senior Product Marketing Manager for HCL Informix, Actian Ingres, and Partners. At Actian, he brings these transactional databases and partnerships to life with highly targeted messaging, positioning, case studies, content, and more. Prior to Actian, Nick worked in Product Marketing across several organizations including Neo4j, Microsoft, SAS, and Orbit. Nick holds a Master’s degree in International Development from Sciences Po and Bachelor’s degrees in International Studies and Swedish from the University of Washington.