Data Management

From Data Management to Decision-Making for Empowerment

Actian Corporation

January 28, 2021

person pointing to represent decision-making

Everyone in an organization makes decisions every day. They go through the process of identifying that a decision needs to be made, then gather data and relevant information from various sources to identify the choices that they can make. By Analyzing the data and other considerations based on their experience, they can make a choice and finally take action. The decisions are reviewed for continuous improvement in their decision-making process.

The Four Stages of Decision-Making

Decision-making is one of the most important responsibilities people have in any organization they work in. For every decision, people go through the four stages of learning.

The four stages are:

  1. Unconscious incompetence.
  2. Conscious incompetence.
  3. Conscious competence.
  4. Unconscious competence.

The stages of conscious incompetence and conscious competence are stressful and require help with data that has to be gathered or presented to them for the decision.

Delivering Services and Products

Every company delivers a service or product to its consumers. The company’s assets enable these services or products. An important asset is the people in the organization. Every person is unique and at a different stage of maturity and expertise in their functional role. Each person does their job a little differently and at a different pace or performance level.

Delivery of the organization’s services and products has to be predictable and consistent. To enable this, an efficient and effective value chain of activities needs to occur between functional units in the organization enabled with technologies, data, and tools that need to be collaborative.

Identifying and managing constraints helps the organization to improve performance, but decision-making can be a constraint for productivity. The process can be slowed down when technology does not support the collaboration and the data exchanges need to make informed decisions. Enterprises are people and data-driven. The data needs to be accurate and timely, and the people need to be empowered to use it for decision-making.

Role of Data and Data Relationships

A decision can be automated and should enable improved performance of the organization and its people. One of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems’ biggest values was the enablement of consistent, collaborative data exchanges across the organization for decision support.

Today as with ERP systems, organizations need to improve the empowerment of the data-driven enterprise. The data managed by an ERP is important, but all the organization’s data is also important, including external data sources that support the organization’s goals. The organization is one team with different roles and should perform in an efficient collaborative way to enable high performance.

Data Capture to Understanding Experience

Enterprise data systems should capture data from anywhere and everywhere, both internally and from cloud sources. Capturing data from all organizational functions, including other enterprise data integrations, will improve its ability to make decisions based on data and improve people’s overall performance and abilities.

Understanding experiences when making a decision can help enrich data capture and presentation usage for faster decisions. Understanding your employees’ experiences and understanding your customer and other stakeholders is driven by cloud data collection, enterprise data collection, and the integration between them. Using a solution like Actian DataConnect enables quick and easy deployment and management across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments. It allows you to connect to virtually any data source, format, location, using any protocol, and use this data to understand the experience of customers or suppliers.

Consistency for Success

Enterprise data integration improves decision support and consistency for success. Leverage a solution like DataConnect that supports current needs to drive a data-enabled enterprise. Remove the stress as quickly as possible for decision making by leveraging the analytical performance, data collection, knowledge intelligence, no matter where the data resides, for continuous improvement of service and product delivery.

Improving consistency using an enterprise-class data-driven solution is just a good service to yourself. Taking care of your needs for less stressful decisions empowered by enterprise data is also good for your business objectives and your customers. Learn more here.

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About Actian Corporation

Actian makes data easy. Our data platform simplifies how people connect, manage, and analyze data across cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments. With decades of experience in data management and analytics, Actian delivers high-performance solutions that empower businesses to make data-driven decisions. Actian is recognized by leading analysts and has received industry awards for performance and innovation. Our teams share proven use cases at conferences (e.g., Strata Data) and contribute to open-source projects. On the Actian blog, we cover topics ranging from real-time data ingestion, data analytics, data governance, data management, data quality, data intelligence to AI-driven analytics.