Data Integration

Design and Manage Your Data Integrations With Actian DataConnect

Actian Corporation

May 22, 2019

people designing and managing your data integrations

Managing data integrations across a large enterprise can be challenging, with the large numbers of end-points that must be integrated, transaction sets that must be monitored and security that must be constantly maintained.

The latest release of Actian DataConnect makes the job of data integration much easier with enhanced tools to design your integrations more effectively and manage them more efficiently. Here is an overview of what is new in Actian DataConnect Studio and Integration Manager.

Actian DataConnect Studio v11.4 and Runtime Engine

DataConnect Studio is a responsive desktop IDE that provides a set of tools for integration developers to design and model their integrations while integrating immediate interactive feedback from the runtime engine. DataConnect Studio is built on the DevOps concepts of providing developers with real-time insights into operations as a means of developing better quality solutions. The 11.4 release includes a set of updated features, which the user community has requested, including:

  • Improved navigation and intuitive labeling.
  • A more efficient process to create target schemas.
  • Enhanced project-importing capabilities, including better support for macros.
  • Connectivity and platform enhancements for Netsuite, Zip Invoker, DataFlow Invoker and Eclipse.

Actian Integration Manager v1.6

Integration Manager is a set of intuitive web-based capabilities to enable operations teams to configure, schedule, execute and monitor integrations, quickly and easily. It includes a RESTful API that can be used to automate and manage dynamically any aspect of deployed integrations. Robust log-file management capabilities enable your staff to identify and diagnose execution errors quickly to keep data flowing reliably across your organization. The 1.6 release includes a series of features focused on improving operations productivity.

  • Streamlined installation and configuration.
  • High availability and scalability features.
  • Better support for on-premises and private cloud deployments.
  • More intuitive job template and configuration wizards.
  • A new aggregator service for merciless event processing.

Security Enhancements Across the DataConnect Platform

Data security is one of the biggest concerns for IT and business leaders. The latest releases of Actian DataConnect Studio and Integration Manager provide you with the latest technology updates and security capabilities. Lock your integrations and the environments in which they operate using a combination of technology, governance policies and modern integration practices.

  1. Secure metadata repository.
  2. Runtime executables that leverage network authentication and security protocols.
  3. Encrypted in-flight data.
  4. Enhanced security capabilities for DataConnect Integration Manager.

The latest release of Actian DataConnect brings your organization one step closer to enterprise-data management, with the tools and capabilities your designers and operations staff need to do their jobs effectively and efficiently while keeping your data secure. To get more information about the detailed technical features in the most recent release, visit

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About Actian Corporation

Actian makes data easy. Our data platform simplifies how people connect, manage, and analyze data across cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments. With decades of experience in data management and analytics, Actian delivers high-performance solutions that empower businesses to make data-driven decisions. Actian is recognized by leading analysts and has received industry awards for performance and innovation. Our teams share proven use cases at conferences (e.g., Strata Data) and contribute to open-source projects. On the Actian blog, we cover topics ranging from real-time data ingestion, data analytics, data governance, data management, data quality, data intelligence to AI-driven analytics.