A Beginner’s Roadmap for Adopting and Using Cloud Data Analytics
Teresa Wingfield
January 17, 2023

Data managers have their hands full when it comes to their data analytics strategies. Datasets are growing in complexity and are generated at record volumes. Processing, analyzing and putting this data to use is mission critical for businesses to drive revenue and scale in the future.
To help process these new and complex datasets for use in analytics, businesses are turning away from traditional on-premises solutions, eschewing them for cloud-based alternatives instead. Modern-day solutions such as cloud data platforms allow businesses to keep data offsite, while still making it instantly available for use and analysis. These platforms offer businesses more efficient data management strategies and can easily scale alongside the business.
There are several considerations that data leaders need to make before choosing a new analytics solution, to ensure it meets the needs of the business. In this blog, we’ll offer a how-to guide on choosing the right solutions to drive optimal results, no matter the scale or complexity of the data involved.
What to Choose?
Businesses need agility to keep pace with their competitors and technological innovation. Maintaining this agility comes down to having access to mission-critical data and being able to easily analyze and interpret it. Without easy analysis of datasets, businesses would be lost when it comes to recommending next steps to customers or mapping out future revenue projections. This is why selecting the right data analysis solution is so important.
Before adopting a new cloud analytics solution, businesses need to create a data-first culture and clearly outline what they want to get out of their analytic efforts. To move forward with a data strategy, businesses should evaluate the current state of their internal systems, processes, and the skillsets of those working directly with data. Through that analysis, businesses can identify issues that may exist in analytic processes, and where they can streamline them.
Organizations must establish buy-in on adopting new cloud analytics solutions at the top, starting with business stakeholders and C-suite executives. The adoption of a new data analytics solution will help make data analysis more seamless across the enterprise; so, it’s up to leaders to create a company culture that’s focused on collaboration.
Creating this type of culture can come with challenges. Internal issues often hamper data initiatives. A recent report from Foundry found that organizations are struggling in analytics training, data management, data security, data integration and business intelligence. Among shortages in technical talent today, businesses should recognize the need to prioritize up-skilling and training employees in these areas. Once an organization establishes a culture of data-sharing and buy-in on change, they can find the solution best suited to meet their needs and goals.
Opting for the Cloud
Many businesses have opted for cloud analytics to aid them in generating business-critical insights. The flexibility offered with solutions such as the Actian Data Platform, allows businesses to have instant access to the data they need in a single-pane view.
Cloud data platforms provide greater flexibility and efficiency than a typical traditional data warehouse. Cloud service providers automatically deploy software updates and maintain servers, meaning the platform is constantly at its best, most up-to-date state. A scalability advantage lies in the ability to change compute resources based on need, as opposed to paying for an entire physical warehouse, but only using half of it.
Cloud analytics also improves availability for businesses, as the data is stored offsite. In the event of an issue such as a server crash or power outage in a facility, a business can still access data securely and remotely.
Cloud analytics is essential to driving revenue and keeping customers happy. Businesses need to recognize this value and use cloud analytics to drive growth. By taking the right steps evaluate a solution’s ability to meet their needs, businesses can set themselves up for success by picking the right cloud analytics solution.
To learn more about how the Actian Data Platform can help your business level up your cloud analytics game, visit https://www.actian.com/data-platform/
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