Mary Schulte

Mary Schulte is the Senior Sales Engineer for Actian. She spent the bulk of her career working for powerhouse database vendors such as Informix, Netezza, and now Actian. For over two decades, she worked solely with Informix as a consultant at a boutique consulting firm, then later as a trainer and sales engineer for Informix Corp. and then IBM. She has written thousands of lines of Informix 4GL and ESQL/C programs for clients in varieties of industries worldwide. Based in Dallas, she worked closely with American Airlines on its ground-breaking implementation of the then-new Informix datablade technology in the late 1990s. Mary has been at Actian since 2006 primarily working with their Vector analytics database technology. She feels that it was serendipity that IBM entered into an agreement with HCL and that HCL acquired Actian because she is now working with her beloved Informix again!